Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 67

BEEP! BEEP! We got a JEEP! :)

YES! We got a new car! Woot! Woot! We currently drive a 2015 Jeep Compass and I LOVE IT! We're the only ones in the entire mission that have a Jeep. It still smells new! It had 109 miles when we picked it up on Friday. The Assistants called us on Wednesday and asked if we wanted to drive the Jeep...of course we do!! :)

This has been a crazy week of changes! Transfers happened, Sister Aldridge was transferred to South Jordan and I stayed in the area. However, there were two sets of missionaries in the Sandy YSA Stake, well the Elders were transferred out and we cover the WHOLE stake! Yes, our area is HUGE!!! It's practically all of Sandy! We also moved from our tiny place into the Elder's basement apartment. We live right against the Wasatch Mountains; hence we needed 4 wheel drive because we live in the hills! I know the Elders tried their best to clean, but we had some DEEP cleaning, especially in the bathroom. eek! It was scary! My companion is Sister Dean, AGAIN! Yes we were companions last January for 6 weeks and now we're back together. I haven't heard of any other missionaries having a repeat in companions.

Here's my gospel nugget of the week!

Elder Oaks is one of my favor Apostles and I strive daily to live by this quote. I believe we need to be authentic. Following the Savior is a continuous commitment and way of life. We all strive to follow the Savior more and become better.

My time is up, I need to go, but enjoy all the snowy photos.

Have a blessed week! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sister Olszowka

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 66

BURRRR! It's so cold outside!

Winter is here and I'm not a huge fan of the cold. I woke up Wednesday morning to snow falling and sticking. eek!

This week has gone by fast! Hmm...what happen this past week?....we got a flat tire on Saturday. We're not sure how it happened. Sister Aldridge was driving. Luckily we had just pulled into our driveway for lunch and man! That tire deflated FAST! We called the Elders and they came and changed it for us. We took the flat in to get it fixed and thankfully they were able to get us and help us out. We're emailing at the library today and I forgot my camera at home. dang it! I think this is the first time I won't be sending pictures. sorry! Look forward to them next week!

Transfers are this coming week. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying in the area. Sister Aldridge has been here 4 1/2 months, but it's all in the Lord's hands and I'll go where He needs me. I enjoy working with the young adults, they're great! Did I mention we're looking for a new place to live? Well, we are and hopefully something will come about soon.

So we're teaching a new investigator, the one from Montana. We met with her twice last week and she wasn't able to make it to church, but she's interesting in learning more and is reading the Book of Mormon. She even had us over for dinner on Tuesday and sent us home with leftover chicken pot pie, it's was good! She hasn't grown up with much religion, but she's seeking truth. We were able to meet with our other investigator, she's experiencing a lot of family opposition, but she's moving into her own place soon so that will be better for her.

My time is short, as always, but here's the gospel nugget of the week:

I read the Book of Mormon daily. I love the Book of Mormon. The Bible and the Book of Mormon support each other. The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and His Atonement and the Bible accounts of His birth, ministry, death, Atonement and resurrection. They teach the same principles. Every time I read, I have feelings of peace, comfort and direction. The Spirit testifies the things I read and learn are true. If you're looking for direction in life, I invite you to read the Book of Mormon. This book changed my life and I know it can change the lives of others. Like President Eyring said, "The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how to well we are doing and how to do better."

That's all I have for this week. I love you all!

Sister Olszowka

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 65


Well this was a pretty tough week. I got sick. Yes, I know, I never get sick, but I got a small cold and thankful I kicked it before it got too bad. Thank goodness for a wonderful sister that brought over 2 cartons of orange juice and airborne. I down that stuff like no tomorrow, my throat was sore and I was losing my voice, but I'm feeling much better now.

We had exchanges with Sister Willam and Sister Mobley this past week as well. I went to Sister Willam's area. I was the Sister Training Leader of these sisters before and they're hard workers. We mostly tracted with not much success, but we did receive a referral for the YSA Elders. They're in a walking area so my feet were really sore at the end of the day.

In order news, we transitioned our investigator whose baptism is schedule for November 22nd to the Central missionaries. He lives out of the mission boundaries so we needed transition him to the Elders in his area. I was pretty sad, but this young man is great! He's converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and is ready to be baptized. We'll hopefully receive permission to go to the other mission for his baptism.

Lots of change is happening in the YSA stake. Like I mentioned last week, there's a new Stake Presidency, a ward was dissolved and two wards were combined. We attended the ward that was recently combined and they announced the ward has a new name, previously known as Sandy Heights ward is now the High Point ward. We're hoping to start teaching a new investigator; she's feeding us dinner tonight. She's really nice and all of her extended family are members. She's from Montana.

My gospel nugget of the week is about obedience. Heavenly Father has given us commandments for our benefit. We show our love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as we obey. Like the scriptures says, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15. I invite you to read this article, Faith Obedience. May we all strive to be more obedient. I know that as we are, we will be blessed.

Love you all!

Sister Olszowka

P.S. The landlady made Sister Willam and I virgin Pina Coladas for breakfast haha!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 64

Happy November!

Can you believe it?! It's November! The leaves are falling and the mountains got their first snow this past weekend. Yikes! It's getting way too cold for my liking. I sleep with 3 blankets, warm socks, a cozy jacket and a blanket over my head! Haha! I don't like being cold.

This week went by pretty fast. Halloween evening we had a zone meeting. All the missionaries were off the streets. We split off into Districts and my current district is pretty great! Sister Aldridge and I are the only Sisters in our district, but we have the Assistants to the President and the Zone Leaders in our district. They're pretty fun and funny to be around. We talked about our investigators and how we can help them progress toward baptism.

We did carve pumpkins last Monday and I carved Hello Kitty, it came out okay. We had a lot of fun! For some reason my camera deleted the other pictures I had of the zone.

This was also stake conference this weekend. Elder Golden and Elder Bourne came. It was a really awesome meeting. Elder Golden spoke about the receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost. How we need the Holy Ghost and how it sanctifies us. We need to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. John 3:5 says: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man beborn of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." The Holy Ghost, teaches us, comforts us, testifies of truth to us.

Our investigator, Jonathan was baptized and confirmed on Saturday. The Spirit was so strong and he was so excited and ready. We received permission to Skype his family in Holland to watch the service. Jonathan is going to do great things in the church. Sister Swain was also able to come to the service as well, and no we didn't coordinate our outfits. Haha!

That's all the time I have for today, but I love you all!

Mom, just a 101 more days! :)


Sister Olszowka

*Note From Poster: Unfortunately some of the pictures are blurry, time for a new Camera!